Homelab Web Sever is my previous article on setting up networking and a bare metal Ubuntu Server for hosting a website from my home.

In this article I am going to use virtualisation to let me run many virtual machines on the single bare metal server. To do this I am going to use:

Proxmox VE - Virtual Environment is an open source server management platform for virtualisation which integrates the KVM - Kernel Virtual Machine Hypervisor.

VMWare ESXi is an alternative to Proxmox VE

Why Run a Homelab?

I want to run

  • Self hosted Wordpress for a low traffic site (Apache, PHP, MySQL)
  • Python test environments to see what dependencies I need
  • Potentially the home Plesk server
  • Learn about Ansible

https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted - other great ideas for home server projects

https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/ - discussion on home server / self hosted

Update 29th July 2022 - I’ve been running Proxmox now for 6 months. It has been very stable running

I’m using Pfsense as the firewall and NAT and nginx as a reverse proxy. There is a network diagram a the end of the article.

Install Proxmox - Part 1

I’m following along the excellent tutorials from which I’m updating (14th Jan 2022) https://www.dlford.io/how-to-home-lab-part-1/

https://www.proxmox.com/en/downloads/category/iso-images-pve Version: 7.1-2

Update 29th July 2022 - there is a new updater, but a friend used it and found display issues. So went back to 7.1-2 and it worked!

I used balenaEtcher to create a boot USB.

Network setup

FQDN: pve.dave.home

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29917860 according to this a better name may be pve.home.arpa. Or just register a real domain name to make sure it wont conflict.

PVE is Proxmox Virtual Environment

My home subnet from DHCP on the router is: ie subnet mask ie 24 bits are used.

The DHCP range is -

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I’ve assigned pve to be on and forced the DHCP table to not assign it to anything else - it is a static IP address now.

Web - PVE Web interface

u: root

Here we are setting up the updates for PVE:

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
mv pve-enterprise.list pve-enterprise.list.disabled
# careful of debian version
# Proxmox 7 (7th Dec 2021) runs on Bullseye (Debian 11.2, 18th Dec 2021)
echo 'deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bullseye pve-no-subscription' > pve-community.list
# version 6
echo 'deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve buster pve-no-subscription' > pve-community.list
apt update
apt -y dist-upgrade
  • Proxmox 7 (7th Dec 2021) runs on Bullseye (Debian 11.2, 18th Dec 2021)
  • Proxmox 6 runs on Buster (Debian 10)
  • Proxmox 5 runs on Stretch (Debian 9 LTS until June 2022)

Proxmox version 5 instead of 6, change “buster” to “stretch” in line three. These are version names for Debian releases, Proxmox versions 5 and 6 run on Debian Stretch and Buster respectively.

Secure Boot Problem

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After rebooting from updated above I got a Secure Boot Violation warning from my BIOS

The solution was to go into the BIOS - Boot, then change the order of the boot devices to be the M2 drive and not the UEFI boot loader device.

Create a VM

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Upload ISO from workstation

Create VM:

  • Name: webserver-test
  • OS: Ubuntu (just uploaded)
  • Disks: 32GB (Default)
  • CPU: 1 Socket, 2 Cores
  • Memory: 2048MB (Default)

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Start it

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It works! However

Got a DHCP address of: which is an address gives from the routers DHCP server.

Something which is annoying here is I can’t see the allocated DHCP address on this summary page. I need a guest agent installed - see below qemu-guest-agent

My routers summary page below is fickle too ie displays incomplete information

Ubuntu server install

  • server name: webserver-test-ubuntu
  • u: dave

put on SSH Server so I can connect from WSL2 on my workstation:

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After the Ubuntu server installtion completes (a few minutes), and a reboot, I could access the VM

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Interesting information from my router, but not to be trusted. It does get confused. See below when I go to pfSense for DHCP and networking.

# internal DNS works as the router is handling it
ssh webserver-test-ubuntu

Can see the pve hypervisor on .139, and the newly created VM with it’s correct linux servername I gave above when I named the server (not in pve).

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y

sudo apt-get install nginx -y

Updates - Part 2


For software updates maybe do every week.

For PVE version updates - follow the advice above. Maybe log into the server directly rather than the web interface.

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Reboot PVE if Kernel update.

After a full shutdown and restart the following day, pfSense did not auto start up. I tried to replicate but perhaps after a proxmox update it needs a full shutdown / startup test.

# stay on top of VM updates
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade 

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Upgrading the distribution of a linked clone - lets find out how this affects new instances of a linked clone.

Mount an external USB drive (don’t do this for backup disk)

https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/how-to-add-hard-drive-to-host.119376/ - don’t do this!

Plug it into the usb device and restart proxmox!

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Can see my eternal disk 2TB Elements (note it is formatted with ntfs)

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I had strange issues where the disk disappeared, so trying an exfat disk instead.

ChatGPT why does my usb disk disappear from proxmox

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dmseg log output from the shell showing the disk.

Wipe Disk, Initialize with GPT

But do I want a snapshot or backup?

Disks, LVM-Thin, select correct Disk eg /dev/sda, Create - this took 10 minutes on a 2TB usb disk.

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Disk is not LVM (thin)

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And accessible as pmback.

Mount USB external drive as backup disk

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZjMxdBPH7M hmm it didn’t work.. lets try this video


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lsusb to see if usb 2 or 3. Just to make sure am connected to the right hub

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fidisk -l - to see what disks are formatted as.

5:45 mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda - is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!

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blkid -o list - gets uuid

mkdir /mnt/usb-drive

ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/* - list devices by uuid. So that if we plug in other usb drives and gthey can assigned to /dev/sda then it would get a failure on mount if it is sdb etc..

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vim /etc/fstab

Add in /dev/disk/by-uuid/ab6e004f-6c99-4d33-b145-4208201c404e /mnt/usb-drive ext4 defaults 0

df -h - it is not there yet

mount -a - run fstab

df -h

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It is there!

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Root level, Storage, Add, Directory

Select a VM, Backup Now,

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Every one of my VM’s being backed up to the usb drive.

Snapshots VS Backups

Backups - complete representation of VM.

Snapshot - representation of VM’s state.

Use a snapshot if you’re doing a risky upgrade and may want to roll back a VM. Otherwise use a backup.

You can run a backup of a VM that is running.

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Took 1 minute (on SSD) at 2GB in disk space.


Make sure the origianl VM is stopped. Then can restore it.

Restore from above took 7 minutes.

Restore to a new VM

Local (pve) > Backups > Restore

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Check the Unique box to generate a new unique values eg MAC address

This took 32 seconds to create a new VM

The new VM started with the same name Proxmox and the unix name was the same. Confusing.

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Rename VM in Proxmox.

To change the hostname in Ubuntu:

# display current hostname

# change hostname
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname newNameHere

# updates hosts file
sudo vim /etc/hosts

sudo reboot now

This works, but I’m sure there is a better way (Linked Clone) to easily spin up pre-built machine.

Schedule backups

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Selecting Schedule 2 am here I have a typo, Schedule should be: 02:00 and VM’s to backup. Next tab gives retention for days, weeks, months, years.

Intranet Site with pfSense - Part 3

https://www.dlford.io/pfsense-nat-how-to-home-lab-part-3/ Intranet Site pfSense

Proxmox provides some really great firewall features, unfortunately they don’t offer the configuration options we need for DHCP, DNS, and NAT, so we’ll be using pfSense to handle all of those.

But do I need this firewall if I want to host some websites?

Yes.. want the homelab to be as secure as possible. The firewall allows me to segreate my home network from the ‘prod’ which is called ‘LAN’ network.

TODO put in network diagram here

He is heading towards the modem in bridge mode so pfSense gets a public IP from the ISP. Bridge mode disables firewalling on the modem. I’m still using my modems firewall and port forwarding 80 and 443 to the firewall.

Everything else is connected to the pfSense box cia a VLAN aware switch. Separate VLAN networks in pfSense for lab, IOT, workstations.

https://www.pfsense.org/download/ AMD64 and ISO. I’m using pfsense 2.5.2

upload ISO to PME.

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This was my System, Network with default settings before I changed anything.

We are going to create a private internal network

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Setting up a linux bridge for private internal nework (LAN) whgich is on

Reboot Proxmox after this.

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Advanced settings, start at boot. Start this first (higher number is later). Delay other VMs starting for 30s

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OS to type Other.

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Bus/Device to VirtIO Block and Discard ticked.

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Cores 2 and CPU units: 2048. The higher the number so this will get more priority than a default 1024.

512MB Memory is fine.

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Choose VirtIO for Model, and leave Bridge on old one. We will do once wizard is done.

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I pressed No.

After booting:

  • Should VLANS be set up now? No
  • WAN interface: (vtnet0)
  • LAN interface: (vtnet1)

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8 to access a shell

# disable packet filter (firewall) temporarily so can access web interface from WAN side
pfctl -d


LAN is (ahh not good -conflicting)

I couldn’t connect to the web interface from my workstation. Tried taking off the LAN network and just having the WAN on I had to full reboot pfSense and then it worked!

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u: admin

p: pfsense

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Domain: can use same as Proxmox host or a new one. I used pve.dave.home for Proxmox. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29917860 discussion here on a better name.

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I’m going to force pfSense to use which is outside of the DHCP range of my router/modem.

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Lan on

My plusnet router didn’t like me assigning a static IP address when DHCP is turned on.

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The way to get it working was to allow pfSense to get a DHCP address from the router, then force the router’s DHCP to always assign that IP address to pfSense (just like setting up PVE at the top of this article 1st screenshot)

Essentially I’ve 2 static IP’s on my ‘internal’ network now:

  • - pve
  • - pfSense

In the screenshot I’ve logged in from my workstation which is on which is assinged a DHCP address from the plusnet router. I’ve since made that a static IP on the modem.


Lets try and get access from my local network only to pfSense

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I was locked out after this change. I had to do pfctl -d again.

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Interfaces > WAN, uncheck at bottom

pfcrl -e to enable the firewall

The firewall is enabled and we can now access the web interface from the workstation.

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Setting firewall port to 8080

Template Server VM

qemu-guest-agent need to install this agent on all VM’s running under Proxmox

  • Convert VM to Template

When clone the template to a new VM you get to skip all the confiuration

Another option is to

  • Use a template without actuall converting it to a tempalte

Can’t create a linked clone

But can make changes and install updates on teh template since clones aren’t linked

Linked Clones

Save disk space as base OS not copied to the clone

To create a linked clone:

Create VM

  • General
    • VM ID: 1001 (keep templates at the bottom of the VM list)
    • Name: Ubuntu-20.03.3-20220117
  • Disk:
    • 8GB
      • Discard checked (will free up space from files deleted on vm)
  • CPU:
    • Cores: 2
  • Memory:
    • 512MB
  • Network:
    • Bridge: vmbr1 (the private VM internal server network)

Start the VM

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Hmm - didn’t work! Try giving it 1GB of RAM. Yes this worked - using 879MB during install.

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Next thing is my internal network isn’t working ie not getting assigned a DHCP address.

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So this worked and I’ve got an internal address now. I updated the installer

Install the OS

  • Use an entire disk and set up LVM

machine name: red

user: dave


Didn’t install SSH as I usually do

Proxmox: Hardware, CD/DVD, Do not use media

Then press enter in ubuntu console as have removed installation hardware.

sudo apt update
# Apt-get dist-upgrade has a smart conflict resolution system, so it will attempt to upgrade the most important packages, at the expense of those deemed less important
sudo apt dist-upgrade

# helps the Proxmox host communicate with the VM guest 
sudo apt install -y qemu-guest-agent

dist-upgrade link


  • shutdown command on Proxmox itself will result in cleaner shutdown on the vm

Shutdown the VM

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Tick both boxes.

Click on name on VM, Convery to Template

Create Web Server VM

Right click on template VM and Clone, Linked Clone.

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Options > Start at boot yes, Start/Shutdown order: 20 (so will start after pfSense)

Hardware, Network. Copy MAC Address - need it later to set up a DHCP reservation.

start the VM

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The agent is working as I can see a good LAN address! We will change this below to be a static IP reservation.


Anytime you clone a VM, run the following commands to ensure uniqueness:

So this was tricky as couldn’t copy and paste. I ended up doing a NAT Rule so I could SSH into the box.

An easier way is to do

# I forgot to do this in my template
# run from pve console
sudo apt install openssh-server

# setup port forward rule (screeshot below) for SSH so can copy and paste

Create a linked rule for NAT and Firewall.

  • Firewall > NAT > Port Forward

**note below I’m now using instead of as my desktop has a non static IP.

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This creates a linked WAN Firewall rule.

# run boilerplate
# https://www.dlford.io/secure-ssh-access-how-to-home-lab-part-5/#boilerplate
sudo bash -c "bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dlford/ubuntu-vm-boilerplate/master/run.sh)"

# STOP the above command does all below

# to run sudo as interactive session
sudo -i

rm -f /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
rm -f /etc/machine-id
dbus-uuidgen --ensure=/etc/machine-id
ln -s /etc/machine-id /var/lib/dbus/

ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -N '' -t rsa -y
ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N '' -t dsa -y
ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key -N '' -t ecdsa -b 521 -y

sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled

# red was the name of my template vm
# **CHANGE red/xxxx to red/name of new machine**
sed -i 's/red/hmsoftwareorg/g' /etc/hosts
sed -i 's/red/hmsoftwareorg/g' /etc/hostname

# set new hostname to nginx
hostnamectl set-hostname hmsoftwareorg

sudo reboot

After a reboot I got another DHCP allocation, so can’t connect anymore.

DHCP Reservation

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pfsense, Services, DHCP Server, Edit Static mapping (at bottom)

Reserving for this mac address on ie the nginx server.

sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade

sudo reboot

sudo apt install nginx

https://github.com/djhmateer/proxmox is where I keep my nginx sites-available conf file.

Create Port Forward

We’re aiming for a reverse proxy, so this nginx box will forward on to other nginx vm’s. This way I can have multiple VMs running separate websites. And if one goes down, the others dont.

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Firewall - Aliases - Add IP

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Firewall - Aliases - Ports

Firewall > NAT > Port Forward

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Destination is WAN address. But this could be Firewall.

Then reboot NGINX VM.

Check IP Address is

Check if which is the IP address of pfSense works after a few minutes. It did.

My workstation is

Summary so Far

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NAT Port forward rules

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Auto created NAT linked rules. Only extra one is allowing access to pfSense Admin Ports from my private network.

We’ll done LAN rules below.

Serve an App on NGINX

This will just be a reverse proxy soon, but for now lets put something on it:


# example of installing from source
# setting up good permissions
sudo -i
apt install git
cd /var/www
rm -rf html
git clone https://github.com/ondras/my-mind.git html

chown -R www-data: /var/www/html

find /var/www/html/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find /var/www/html/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

Setup NGINX Reverse Proxy - Part 4


Growing disk interesting here if we need to.

On our NGINX Reverse proxy

# sites-enabled is simply a sym link
# and has to be setup to point to whatever files we want in sites-available
cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
#sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/4t-app.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

# for simplicity I'm keeping the config in default

# reverse proxy for hmsoftware.org
server {
    listen 80;
    server_name hmsoftware.org;
    location / {
        proxy_read_timeout 36000s;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_buffering off;
        client_max_body_size 0;
        proxy_redirect off;
        proxy_set_header Connection "";
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_hide_header X-Powered-By;
        proxy_pass_header Authorization;

# reverse proxy for hmsoftware.uk
server {
    listen 80;
    server_name hmsoftware.uk;
    location / {
        proxy_read_timeout 36000s;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_buffering off;
        client_max_body_size 0;
        proxy_redirect off;
        proxy_set_header Connection "";
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_hide_header X-Powered-By;
        proxy_pass_header Authorization;

# test config
sudo nginx -t

# reload
sudo service nginx restart

Notice that host headers are on here, and then point to different machines which I’ve got listening on 5000.

The backend webserver don’t need host headers and can just run as default.

Secure SSH Remote Access - Part 5


Create a new VM - ap for access point.

Fail2Ban - looks useful.

I’m not opening up SSH from the outside yet.

Hosting on the Web - Part 6


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Firewall > Alias

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Firewall > Rules > LAN

Allow all ports from Non_Public - all this is doing is allowing all ports between machines on the pfSense LAN. Currently I’ve only got 1 machine (nginx), but maybe I’ll have a reverse proxy soon.

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Allow outbound DNS

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Reject Non_Public

Can’t go from LAN to any other machine on Non_Public ie can’t get to other machines on LAN or my workstation. ie this is to protect my home network.

I had issues with outbound requests going from nginx server to outside world, so deleted subnets here except which is fine for me.

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Allow ICMP from LAN outbound

alt text Allow Web from LAN outbound

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Order and delete the final 2 rules.


System > Advanced > Networking

Allow IPv6 - uncheck

System > Advanced > Admin Access

Anti-lockout - uncheck

Add Port Forward from the Outside World

Get Nginx listening on 443

cd /etc/nginx/sites-available

sudo apt install ssl-cert

#sudo make-ssl-cert generate-default-snakeoil

# uncomment listen on 443
# uncomment snakeoil.conf
sudo vim default

sudo nginx -s reload

## comment back in the 443

I had a problem that I couldn’t reach apt update server from nginx ie probable firewall rule?

@Yes it was a problem with the deny rule.

Let’s get SSL working on the local machine first:


Use a self signed cert.

https://www.dlford.io/hosting-on-the-web-how-to-home-lab-part-6/#reconfigure-nginx - I’m not using his instructions - the digital ocean ones are slightly different.

sudo -i
cd ~

# I took just defaults as don't care - we'll setup up proper cert later
sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/nginx-selfsigned.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/nginx-selfsigned.crt

# this tooks 10 minutes
sudo openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/dhparam.pem 4096

# create new file
sudo vim /etc/nginx/snippets/self-signed.conf

# contents of above file
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/nginx-selfsigned.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/nginx-selfsigned.key;

# create new file
vim /etc/nginx/snippets/ssl-params.conf

I used this ssl-params.conf

ssl_protocols TLSv1.3;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
ssl_dhparam /etc/nginx/dhparam.pem;
ssl_ecdh_curve secp384r1;
ssl_session_timeout  10m;
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
ssl_session_tickets off;
ssl_stapling on;
ssl_stapling_verify on;
resolver valid=300s;
resolver_timeout 5s;
# Disable strict transport security for now. You can uncomment the following
# line if you understand the implications.
#add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload";
add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;
add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";


# interesting sites-enabled is just a sym link 
vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        listen [::]:443 ssl;
        include snippets/self-signed.conf;
        include snippets/ssl-params.conf;

        root /var/www/htmldm;
        index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;

        server_name your_domain.com www.your_domain.com;

        location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ =404;


server {
        listen 80 default_server;
        listen [::]:80 default_server;

        root /var/www/htmldm;

        index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;

        server_name _;

        location / {
                # First attempt to serve request as file, then
                # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
                try_files $uri $uri/ =404;


# check firewall
ufw status

# test config
sudo nginx -t

sudo systemctl restart nginx

# works
curl http://localhost

# get a cert error 
curl https://localhost

Then try from workstation and it works!

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Now lets open up ports on my router to pfSense.

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https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ use this tool to see what open ports I have.

I’ve got Dynamic DNS running from the router on mateer.hopto.org

Then trying a real domain (which used to point to hmsoftwareuk.netlify.app)

hmsoftware.uk should now alias to mateer.hopto.org

It works fine. Interestinly only Firefox allows me to see the invalid self signed cert, as I’m using HSTS.

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hoverflylagoons.co.uk is now running from pve. DNS is handled by cloudflare which handles redirects to apex and https. The nginx reverse proxy has a self signed ssl cert (which cloudflare require) forwarding on port 80 to the backend apache2 server.

Privacy Warning

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“This network is blocking encrypted DNS traffic

The names of websites and other servers your device accesses on this network may be monitored and recorded by other devices on this network.”

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My iPhone7 on is sending out multicast DNS on UDP 5353. Used by Bonjour, AirPlay, Home Sharing and Printer Discovery.

I don’t believe that UDP is being blocked on the network, however it is being blocked coming into the WAN of pfSense ie it can’t get into the network. Which is good.


Apex Domains

https://www.yes-www.org/ he argues to keep the www. whereas I’ve gone the other way. Google goes to www. as does the BBC

Some large sites do not use www.


See https://www.dlford.io/hosting-on-the-web-how-to-home-lab-part-6/#letsencrypt

Currently I’m running CloudFlare in front of the live site I’m hosting so don’t need LetsEncrypt

Logging - Part 7


Graylog he implements

Docker - Part 8


VLANs - Part 9





https://mtlynch.io/building-a-vm-homelab/ - he uses Proxmox

https://www.youtube.com/user/ProxmoxVE/videos - ProxmoxVE YouTube

Mastering Proxmox book

Remote Admin

https://tinypilotkvm.com/ looks very good.


It took me about 5 days of part time effort to get this working. After another 5 days it has worked very well and is serving the website well. Issues I’ve seen are:

  • Need to pass the correct IP address from nginx reverse proxy to apache
  • Would like to monitor traffic load
  • Would like to move Plex server from my workstation onto Proxmox, but no rush

Overall I’m very happy with the current setup and am monitoring stability now.

Overall Network Diagram

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I use

# ssh to hoverfly webserver on port 29
ssh pfsense -p 29

# hash-test machine running on (static IP but no holes punched through)
ssh pfsense -p 30

hmsoftware.org is using mateer.hopto.org which is here (a test page!)

hmsoftware.uk is now using the hmsoftwareuk.netlify.app redirect (March 2022)

To create a new VM scroll up to: Create Web Server VM

Increase Disk Size

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I didn’t notice but I’d been creating VMs with an 8GB disk size above. And look above you can see I’ve used 100% of the space and the VM is not happy.

To extend the disk turned out to be more involved that I thought, so here is what I did.

https://packetpushers.net/ubuntu-extend-your-default-lvm-space/ this was the blog post which helped me the most, and I’ve copied his excellent diagram:

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Going from the bottom

# list block devices

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Physical/Virtual disk of 8GB on /dev/sda - allocated from Proxmox.

3 partitions just like his on sda1 sda2 sda3

1 Physical Volume (PV) just like his on dev/sda3

# show physical volumes 
sudo pvs

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Check for existing free space on Volume Group (VG)

# is there free space on the Volume Group?
sudo vgdisplay

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No existing free space on my Volume Group.

Make space being presented to linux

In summary this is what to do:

# allocate more space on hypervisor

# make the partition see the space (dev/sda3, Resize, Write, quit)
sudo cfdisk

# extend the physical volume from the partition
sudo pvresize /dev/sda3

# extend LV to use up all space from VG
sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv

# resize file system
sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv

# check can see the space on filesystem
df -h

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I increased space by 20GB to 28G while the machine was running

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# partition editor similar to fdisk but with an interface
# make the partition see the space
sudo cfdisk

Can see the free space without a restart of the VM.

Select the /dev/sda3 partition and select Resize, Write, q (for quit)

So the /dev/sda3 partition backing the /dev/sda3 Physical Volume (PV) has been extended, we need to extend the PV.

# extend the physical volume from the partition
pvresize /dev/sda3

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My physical volume (PV) can now see the 27GB.

Volume Group

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Have unused (free) space in Volume Group.

Logical Volume

# only 7GB
sudo lvdisplay

# extend LV to use up all space from VG
sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv

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Can now see 27G in my Logical Volume (LV)

File System

At this point the block volume underpinning our root filesystem has been extended bu thte filesystem itself has not been resized to fit that new volume.

# check current size of file system
df -h

# resize file system
sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv

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Can see the space now in our filesystem! It worked!

https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/697237/expand-logical-volume-ubuntu-on-proxmox?noredirect=1#comment1317392_697237 my question on SO which prompted this article.

Automating Building of VMs



I’m going to try a backup/restore strategy of a vanilla VM to start with. This is because my networking requires a DHCP allocation based on MAC. So keeping it simple.


I got this error whilst doing some Tensorflow work:

The TensorFlow library was compiled to use SSE4.1 instructions, but these aren’t available on your machine.

https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/18435 I had to change the CPU type to host on Proxmox.

The default CPU is: Default (kvm64)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBUnV2rQ7do video series in 19 parts by Learn Linux TV.

Firewall (pfsense)

I’ve got an outbound http request on port 22225 (a proxy)

To find the error go to

  • Status / System Logs / Firewall / Normal
  • serach for port eg 22225

Click the little plus arrow to make a quick rule to make a rules


  • Firewall / Rules / LAN
  • Allow many/* destinations IPs on 22225

Setting up remote access to a VM via SSH

no-ip.com provides Dynamic DNS that gets my the my correct IP address via http://mateer.hopto.org/

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I’ve currently got port 80 and 442 open on my plusnet router which port porward to pfsense (my firewall)

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The firewall accepts traffic on Web_Ports ie 80 and 443 from any Source Address ie the internet and my local network, and forwards it to the nginx reverse proxy.

You can see I’ve also got my local LAN allowed to SSH via different ports, which port forwards onto the correct VM via NAT.

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Lets do the simplest thing as a test and see if I can open up port 22 (SSH) to a spare VM (which could eventually become an access point).

I disabled a NAT rule which was the old port 22 for now. (goes to ngingx)

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Allowed port 22 from the outside world to the pfsense firewall

ssh mateer.hopto.org

Monitor logins on

tail -f /var/log/auth.log

Then from this access point machine I can hop onto other machines I need to admin.

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Bot attempts started within 25 minutes of the port being opened.

# list all unsuccessful logins
grep "Failed password" /var/log/auth.log

Next up is to use SSH keys instead

# find local public key in WSL2 ./ssh/id_rsa.pub

# copy via ctrl c/v to ./ssh/authorized_keys on remote machine

# sort out permssions
chmod -R go= ~/.ssh

# test it all works

then lets disable password based authentication.

sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

# uncomment and set to no
PasswordAuthentication no

# restart service
sudo systemctl restart ssh

# view login attemps
tail -f /var/log/auth.log

Fail2ban https://www.dlford.io/secure-ssh-access-how-to-home-lab-part-5/

sudo apt install -y fail2ban

sudo vim /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

enabled = true
port = 22
filter = sshd
logpath = /var/log/auth.log
findtime = 3600
bantime = 300
maxretry = 2

sudo systemctl enable fail2ban
sudo systemctl start fail2ban

Scripting a Build

Automate build of Proxmox VM?

what is a good way of scripting a VM build to put on proxmox?

Apparently it is with the qm command

# ssh into my proxmox server from bash
ssh root@

# show all the vm's (not containers)
qm list

qm start 107

qm reboot 107

# if a vm is not stopping properly.. ie vm is stuck. not graceful
qm reset 107
# not graceful
qm stop 107

# set start a boot to no
qm set --onboot 0 107

# info on the vm
qm config 120

qm set --memory 2048 107

qm config 120 | grep memory

# useful
qm stop 122

# destroy it
qm destroy 122

Clone a template

ssh into proxmox ssh root@ password in lastpass

# CLONE commands here
# clone my template
qm clone 1002 123 --name hmsoftwareuk-p37

qm set --startup order=20 123

qm start 123

# get dynamic IP address
pvesh get /nodes/pve/qemu/123/agent/network-get-interfaces --output-format=json | jq

# from an internal proxmov vm eg ssh pfsense (access point)

# ssh into the vm with dynamic IP address eg ssh
# set new hostname
sudo bash -c "bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dlford/ubuntu-vm-boilerplate/master/run.sh)"

# Get MAC
qm config 123
# eg 92:61:B1:A5:5E:6A

#pf sense -  Services / DHCP Server / LAN / Edit Static Mapping
# eg to

# firewall, NAT
# allow ssh on port 36 or whatever

# reboot the new vm

# sudo don't type 
# https://askubuntu.com/questions/147241/execute-sudo-without-password
# sudo visudo

# ctrl X to exit and save

# for a straight html website
sudo apt install nginx
# do a backup so can easily restore from this point?
vzdump 123

# easier to use the GUI?
qmrestore /var/lib/vz/dump/vzdump-qemu-123-2023_10_17-11_40_41.vma 123

Patch through domain name from reverse proxy and put in certbot to ensure ssl is working.

So now I have a serer in proxmox ready for Wordpress.

# build the wordpress instance

# copy all files from /dev/chatgpt/wordpress/ to ~/source/
# infra should be in ~/source/infra

# run through the shell commands

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I’ve got certbot/letsencrypt working for the cert on the reverse proxy for the proxmox server. Very easy.

So now we have a

  • working wordpress install
  • ssl working via letsencrypt
  • live on the internet hosted on proxmox

Aug 2024 Crash

So after a server move I’ve had a proxmox server failure. It started gradually with 1 VM not being able to start with a kernel panic. Whilst debugging more went down and I ended up not being able to restart the server.

Getting errors like

 ext4-fs error

It now sometimes boots into recovery mode (emergency)

I’m suspecting SSD failure from the messages - there is a Samsung ssd 970 Plus 1TB. It has lasted 2 years and 8 months.

Last time I looked it was healthy

I’ve taken apart the server, and re-seated the SSD - didn’t work. In fact it struggled getting to the BIOS! It did have 2 partioned SSD’s it could see in the bios and now only 1..

I do have backups on an external USB drive, so lets see if that works. I can’t see it from my Windows machine (ext4 fs?)

I’ll order a new SSD (same) and build back from there with exactly the same version of proxmox which used kernel? 5.15.158-1

PVE 7.4-1 and 8.2-2

From 23 Mar 2023 here is 7.4.1

downloads or https://download.proxmox.com/iso/

According to Chat GPT I should be able to restore to 8.2

https://etcher.balena.io/ to create a usb

8.2-2 I got an error The installer could not find any supported hard disks. I could see the new Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB NVM2 M.2 SSD in the BIOS.

Lets try Proxmox 7.4-1 which I know worked onto my 32GB Sandisk USB.

In my BIOS the M.2 is showing in the boot order, but not in the M.2 screen.


Lets try the older one to see if it appears (and it’s SMART status)

Gave up and tried differnt hardware

I need my server working, so lets use a spare 4790 PC I have with 16GB RAM and a 250GB SSD.

  • IP - (which is hard assigned on the router)
  • Gateway -
  • DNS -

It cam alive very fast.

Turn off router firewall

  • 80 to pfSense ( start/end internal/external 80
  • 443 to pfSense start/end internal/external 443

backup usb disk

# list usb devices - Western Digital Elements 2621 is my disk

# look for sdb, sdc etc.. with correct size of disk - mine was sdc

mkdir /mnt/usb-drive

mount /dev/sdc /mnt/usb-drive

# MAYbe don't need to do this
# datacenter, storage, add, directory

ID - local-usb
Directory - /mnt/usb-drive
Content: Disk Image (all)

# Copy backups - maybe don't do this
cd /mnt/usb-drive/dump/
cp *2024_08_16* /var/lib/vz/dump

# view the local-usb disk under pve
# can see backups from here

# override storate to local-lvm (ie not the usb drive)
# didn't care about id of the new VM

after a restore I got this from trying to start the new pfSense restore

TASK ERROR: volume 'local:iso/pfSense-CE-2.5.2-RELEASE-amd64.iso' does not exist

local (pve), ISO, upload the image found here

next bridge vmbr1 does not exist

PVE, System, Network, Create Linux Bridge for internal nework of and no gateway

Admin interface on


Machine restored with an internal IP of

ip addr show

I can access the outisde world from this machine using apt update

Services, DHCP Server - MAC addresses should be the same so should have same IP addresses.

Firewall, NAT, Port Forward - so I can get to internal machines from outside eg port 39 to archiver

Firwall, Rules, Edit (filter rules) - these are created automatically when doing a new port forward rule. I’ve got port 46 now going to nginx

mateer.hopto.org now works and goes to the nginx reverse proxy!


pfsense 100 - 500MB

nginx (reverse proxy) 101, p46 - 1GB

hoverflylagoons 102, p29 - 2GB

accesspoint 103, p27 - 1GB

cir-tweet-p30, 6GB RAM - old auto archiver (not there). Just python running tweets. TODO reduce RAM

hs-api-p31 - TODO last not started or restored

fire-map-p33, 8GB TODO not started as low RAM

theskatefarm-p40, 2GB

Had to download



local (pve) disk, upload ISO

p39 - 8GB Auto archiver FB for CIR


get backups working!

Hardware Future thoughts

Restoring from backup is stressful!

Trying to get old hardware working again is stressful (and didn’t work)

Amazon failed to deliver an important part (SSD) and probably left it somewhere in my garden to get wet

SSD wearing out after 2.5 years (due to lots of polling probably).. but SMART didn’t catch it the last time I looked

I need this server for

  • archiving due to residential IP (so don’t get blocked by FB, YouTube)
  • cheaper than cloud services
  • enjoy doing it!

Probably need some advice on this so don’t make this mistake again

V1 Future Thoughts


  • 32 GB RAM
  • 1 256GB Boot drive SSD
  • 4 * 1TB SSD as raid-z (meaning 1 ssd can fail without data loss)… all machines eg windows can access this as a NAS.

He gave IP address as static 192.168 address

  • IOMU - allows passthrough for PCI device eg graphics card / network card inside VM
  • TrueNAS - periodic snapshots… and cloud sync! and rsync!

And pi-hole for DNS.

  • Portainer for running containers (under Debian linux)