Uploading files on any web framework can be hard. Especially if there are: multiple files, large files, network interruptions, cancellations, resumes, and the want to show nice progress bars.

So lets guide the user into the pit of success.


Only do file uploads after everything else is saved

Allow the user a backup method of getting files to you eg https://wetransfer.com/

Allow the user an easy way to try again.

Do minimal javascript (as my clients may be on old devices)

Demo Codebase

This codebase shows

  • Form upload with single file
  • Form upload with multi files

  • Text input then file upload on next page (no - we don’t need it)

  • JS upload
  • JS upload with progress bar and percentage and multi files

  • JS direct upload to Azure
  • JS direct upload to S3 (Digital Ocean)

Form Uploads

Here is a Rails build script to demo a single file upload

# check updates (be careful the version of ruby is what rails wants)

# update rbenv
cd ~/.rbenv
git pull

# will get latest ruby build bits
cd ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
git pull

# list
rbenv install -l

rbenv install 3.3.3

rbenv global 3.3.3
rbenv rehash

# verify version
ruby -v

# Rails -
gem update --system

gem install rails

rails new uploadtest -d postgresql -c tailwind --skip-hotwire --skip-jbuilder

# Makefile

.PHONY: run

rails db:create
rails db:migrate

# controller and view
rails g controller home index 

# config/routes.rb
root "home#index"

# creates migrations for 3 tables
rails active_storage:install

# single attachment of a model called communication
# creates CRUD
rails g scaffold communication name:string image:attachment --no-jbuilder

# views/layouts/application
# put in _nav.html.erb for /communications

# multiple files attached
# https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_storage_overview.html#has-many-attached
rails g scaffold message name:string files:attachments --no-jbuilder

Now lets change where it saves the file (it uses local by default)

I’m going to be using files stores like DigitalOcean and Azure Blob Storage as I don’t want to be storing the files on the webserver.


azure-storage-ruby is being deprecated soon https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-ruby - gem is called azure-storage-blob

I’m using rails on Ruby 3.3.3 (locked on this as latest 3.3.4 not good for rails yet)

https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_storage_overview.html edge guide doesn’t talk about near deprecation

https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/49983 discussion

There is now an external gem file called https://github.com/testdouble/azure-blob

# setup a .env file with

# primary_key look in properties in Azure Storage Explorer
AZURE_ACCESS_KEY=HUmoV+eqgRC72whm etc..

# add a container called uploadtest-development

# also remember CORS

# storage.yml
  # old one
  # service: AzureStorage
  # new one
  service: AzureBlob

  storage_account_name: functionsdm2storage
  storage_access_key: <%= ENV['AZURE_ACCESS_KEY'] %>
  container: uploadtest-<%= Rails.env %>

# add to gemfile
# old deprecated one
# gem 'azure-storage-blob', '~> 2.0', '>= 2.0.3'

# new one
gem 'azure-blob'

bundle update

# change AzureStorage service to AzureBLog in storage

Separate page for file upload

We never want to lose data, so lets make sure the initial form is successfully submitted.

Actually rails does a great job of this out of the box. As far as I can tell it does a good job of saving form data before doing uploads, and even the js library does retries.

Direct Uploads

Other info


  • ActiveStorage - part of Rails.
  • Carrierwave 8k stars, Mar 2024 - rackspace / Google cloud
  • Paperclip - 9k. deprecated. recommend ActiveStorage
  • Refile - 2.5k. 4 years ago.
  • Shine - 3k, 1 month ago. Disk, S3, Google. https://shrinerb.com/docs/advantages#direct-uploads

then the JS front ends for

  • resumable file uploads
  • multiple uploads at the same time

**check out S3 sdk (js?) and azure



# active_storage

# creates migrations for 3 tables
rails active_storage:install


local, s3, google, Azure Storage


  # Store uploaded files on the local file system (see config/storage.yml for options).
  config.active_storage.service = :local

CRUD Scaffold including attachment

# single attachedment
rails g scaffold communication name:string image:attachment --no-jbuilder

# multi attachements
rails g scaffold message name:string images:attachments --no-jbuilder

# ***HERE setup post which will be a direct upload test

rails db:migrate

alt text

CRUD screens built including a file upload which uses active_storage

# active_storage - https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_storage_overview.html#has-one-attached

class Communication < ApplicationRecord
  # 1 to 1 mapping between records and files
  has_one_attached :image

to render onscreen:

Data Structure

Insert records

  • active_storage_blobs - data about file eg key (filename in storage), filename, content type, checksum, byte_size, created_at
  • active_storage_attachments - join on Communication model table to blobs eg record_type = Communication, record_id is the communication pk.

Stores file in local /storage in a directory like /aa/cc/aaccr414lboisl6a9moto2ptc540 which we can get from blobs table.

Direct Uploads


We need to use some javascript, so here is how Rails 7 handles js

I can use import maps to import JavaScript modules without transpiling or bundling. So no node.js or yarn needed.


To add a new package:

# adds a line to config/importmap.rb
# adds js into vendor/javascript/activestorage.js
# 5.2.8 which seems like latest
# https://www.npmjs.com/package/activestorage
# Pinning "activestorage" to vendor/javascript/activestorage.js via download from https://ga.jspm.io/npm:activestorage@5.2.8-1/app/assets/javascripts/activestorage.js
# bin/importmap pin activestorage

# I found I had to change th importmap.rb file to
pin "@rails/activestorage", to: "activestorage.esm.js"

# then import package into application.js
import * as ActiveStorage from "@rails/activestorage"

# I found that js files not being updated unless I did
rails assets:precompile
# solution was to delete public/assets directory

# then add direct_upload in the form
<%= form.file_field :images, multiple: true, direct_upload:true, class

# CORS - Cross Origin Resource Sharing 

alt text

# for https://hmsoftware.uk
# Content-Type,Content-MD5,x-ms-blob-content-disposition,x-ms-blob-type
# Cache-Control,Content-Language,Content-Type,Expires,Last-Modified,Pragma

# for http://localhost:3000 (handy for dev testing)
# Content-Type,Content-MD5,x-ms-blob-content-disposition,x-ms-blob-type, Access-Control-Allow-Origin
# Cache-Control,Content-Language,Content-Type,Expires,Last-Modified,Pragma, Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Direct Upload Progress

todo - see golfsubmit project

Let’s show the user a progress bar or something

Here is some simple js on the rails guiide.

# javascript/direct_uploads.js
# add in code from above

# importmap.rb
pin "direct_uploads", to: "direct_uploads.js"

# application.js
import "direct_uploads"

S3 Digital Ocean

todo - but works just like azure

# config/environments/development.rb

alt text

CORS comment by Trav helped me.