Auto Archiver v6
Am not running yet have a problem with idempotency ie when a line fails, it affects all following runs.
Running the docker version
# check to make sure running latest version by running this again
docker pull bellingcat/auto-archiver
mkdir secrets
cd secrets
vim orchestation.yaml
old to new
service_account.json (my first gmail account) into secrets\service_account.json - googlesheets read and write
- archivers - put in twitter
- database - gsheet_db
- gsheet_feeder - “AA Demo Main” - the name of the spreadsheet which the service_account.json has access to.
docker run --rm -v $PWD/secrets:/app/secrets -v $PWD/local_archive:/app/local_archive bellingcat/auto-archiver --config secrets/orchestration.yaml test video using youtube-dlp which downloaded fine
However I’ve got a twitter problem issue 82
Lets try the wacz instead on the twitter one
# create a new profile
# if you get a blank screen, click create profile
# then try again
docker run -p 6080:6080 -p 9223:9223 -v $PWD/crawls/profiles:/crawls/profiles/ -it webrecorder/browsertrix-crawler create-login-profile --url ""
docker run -p 6080:6080 -p 9223:9223 -v $PWD/crawls/profiles:/crawls/profiles/ -it webrecorder/browsertrix-crawler create-login-profile --url ""
- profile.tar.gz has to be in secrets
However I couldn’t get wacz to work - just kept timing out. issued 86 is now fixed as of 25th Aug 2023.
The doesn’t work for some reason - works when I download the wacz and upload here
Direct paste into this UI doesn’t work, nor does the direct link eg
Twitter API
The paid API works well.
Local Version Install
# 23.1.2 on python 3.10
pip --version
# 23.2.1 now on 23rd Aug 2023
pip install --upgrade pip
pipenv install
pipenv run python -m src.auto_archiver --config secrets/orchestration.yaml
Google Drive Upload
I’d like the folder name to be the same as the entry name eg DM_001
- and I don’t think the code can do that yet.
Debug v6 python
attempted relative import with no known parent package
hmm how to debug? when I have relative imports here
The trick is to use the module
directive instead of program
in vscode launch.json
"name": "AA Demo Main (davemateer@gmail)",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
// "program": "src/auto_archiver",
"module": "src.auto_archiver",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"justMyCode": true,
"args": ["--config","secrets/orchestration.yaml"]
Naming structure on folders is not good - I want it to be the entry number eg DM-001
. This is possible!
Multiple storages not really supported as just writes multiple into the spreadsheet
S3 buckets work well as get image previews in spreadsheet. And the Archive location is handy
Annoying can’t serve html from Gdrive - you can service public images directly from google drive now.
don’t use this at the moment as bug where if it fails, it kills the rest of the run see FB video to Telegram in my test suite
wacz runs browsertrix-crawler running locally - well it uses Docker.. but this does work. WACZ extract_media flag is set.
why are there 2 _enricher things in archivers: yaml?
well it is so that the archiver will give a wacz: success
if it is turned on in the archivers section.
we can then get a wacz as an enricher (ie download all images file and wacz file)
as n archiver can see what it does
but as an enricher?
- telethon -
- telegram - more of a hack.. not advised.. no login needed. just beautiful soup
Essentially create an app to get APP ID and HASH instructions
then run the auto_archiver and we are
put in phone eg +447584123456 then put in code telethon sends us.
uses exiftool
sudo apt install exiftool
which is stored in the html:
writes to column: perceptual hashes
Facebook wacz enricher and crawler
# get latest image
docker pull webrecorder/browsertrix-crawler
pip install --upgrade pip
# had problems with pdq_hash on Ubuntu 20_04
pipenv update
pipenv run python -m src.auto_archiver --config secrets/orchestration-aa-demo-main.yaml
docker system prune