Storing datetimes in a database
I like to store datetimes in my databases as Utc eg DateTimeCreatedUtc
as a matter of principle. datetimes are hard.
My Linux servers are generally in Holland (Azure West), and clients generally in the UK, which is mostly UTC+1 timezone depending on daylight savings. Even if I used UK webservers and UK SQL Azure db, their default timezone may not be set right.
I like to use server side rendering where possible, so if I know my user is in the UK timezine, I can adjust any dates sent to them by
# razor pages syntax
# note this would give server time (Holland)
# new extension method to get current users profile timezone
# or if not logged then default to UK Timezone
// @p.DateTimeCreatedUtc.ToUserProfileLocalTime()
public static class DateHelper
public static DateTime UtcToGmt(this DateTime dateTime)
// GMT Standard Time should correct for daylight savings
return TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(dateTime, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("GMT Standard Time"));
is of .NET type DateTime
so then extension method above is on that.
15th Jun 2023 (so no daylight savings) and we are UTC+1 in the UK
eg created a record at 13:14:34
so it is stored as: 12:14:34
And displays from the dutch server as the correct time of 13:14:34
import datetime
import time
# now in utc to write to a db
dt_now_utc =
# reading utc from db using pyodbc
next_tweet_utc_naive = row.TimeToTryTweetUtc
# naive datetime to timezone aware so can do a compare
next_tweet_utc = next_tweet_utc_naive.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
if (dt_now_utc > next_tweet_utc):