Code Club
setup a codeclub club at your school as an organiser
you need to have a school teacher ideally as a safeguarding sponsor
get dbs checks
Add volunteers
add volunteers to website by getting them to create an account, or just adding them from the Manage Volunteers
Prep for first lesson you need to be logged in to see this big list of pdf’s
Running your first Code Club Session is a good start
Setup accounts on scratch
- setup a teacher account on (take a day to approve).. took a few hours.
- add students to a class using generic usernames
- manually set their passwords follow link to mit project from here. Should be
Initial meeting stuff to print
Permission form for under 13’s to create accounts for Scratch an Trinket
I spy - colour in and quiz
Create and Colour - colouring in.. I like I spy more.
Initial meeting
- Intro myself (Dad of Mia and Henry at school, professional programmer worked for over 20 years)…
- other adults
- ask their names
- give examples of completed project doing today
try to save paper and switch tabs work together encourage members to check project instructions and work together to solve problems before asking me experiment and have fun
5 minutes to go how and where to save what will happen next time round of applause and say well done on great first session
show and tell in the term meetup with other code club organisers
Space Talk Project - Scratch short url which goes to
- characters and objects are called
- they appear on the
code area
1. Create your scene
- choose background (choose favourite)
- choose sprite
- remix then save as
2. Pico says hello
- block, looks, say hello! for 2 seconds
- drag to
code area
- events, when sprite is clicked, snap above say hello
- right click add a code comment
3. Pico plays a sound
- sounds tab for pico sprite
- play pop
- choose a new sound - space, alien creak1
- code block, Sound, start sound, between when sprite clicked, say hello
4. Nano switches costumes
- choose sprite, fantasy, nano
- when sprite is clicked, switch costumes to nano-b (talking)
- wait 0.5 seconds
- when sprite is clicked, switch costumes to nano-a (smiling)
- costumes, nano-b
- click on arm on lhs and click delete
- nano-c copy the arm
- nano-b paste the arm from -c
5 Giga changes colour
- add sprite giga
- when sprite is clicked
- set colour effect to 0
- add comment 0 is the starting colour
- think hmmmm for 2 seconds (a speech bubble)
- clear graphic effect
Well done cert - can type the nmae of the student
All part of Raspberry Pi Foundation and using the same login crdentials from - global network of free coding clubs for 9-13 years old - projects. above uses these. eg Scratch, Python, Rasp Pi - under 18 cool projects online - computer club for young people 7 to 17 - make cool stuff while learning to code. 9 - 13