2020/11/09/postgres is a guide to setting up postgres on windows.

https://github.com/djhmateer/password-postgres shows connecting to postgres from .NET. Also good build scripts.

https://github.com/osr4rightstools/osr4rights-tools/blob/main/fire-map-infra/pg-test.php good database test code using pdo with PHP. Also in here are good build scripts for a production server.


// show php errors otherwise will silently fail with no warnings on screen
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/21429652/26086
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('display_startup_errors', '1');

// env variables are set in /etc/apache2/envvars
$username = getenv('DBFIRE_USERNAME');
$password = getenv('DBFIRE_PASSWORD');

// $username = 'postgres';
// $password = 'verysecret123!!';

echo "username " . $username;
// echo "password " . $password;

try {
	$pdo = new PDO('pgsql:host=;dbname=nasafiremap', $username, $password);

	// $sql = "select * from users;";

	// Very userful for initial connect test
	$sql = "select version();";

	// useful when in pgadmin 
	// SELECT current_database();

	// $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
	$stmt = $pdo->query($sql);
	$foo = $stmt->fetch();
	echo "foo is " . print_r($foo);

	$stmt = $pdo->query("select * from users");
	// $stmt is false if the query fails
	if (!$stmt) {
		die("Execute query error, because: " . print_r($pdo->errorInfo(), true));

	$bar = $stmt->fetch();
	echo "bar is " . print_r($bar);

	echo "after bar query";
	echo "<br/>bar is " . print_r($bar);

	echo "done";
	// $stmt->execute([$s,$phash, $s]);	
	// $stmt->execute($s);

	// $c = $stmt->rowCount();

	// echo "c is " . $c;
} catch (PDOException $e) {

	echo "exception";

echo "outside of try";
  • PHP silently swallows exceptions unless you turn on error_reporting.
  • PDO silently returns a false ($stmt above) if the query fails (eg table not there)


sudo -i -u postgres

SELECT current_database();