Good logging is important in production to diagnose issues.
loguru is a python logging library
# pip install loguru
from loguru import logger
# outputs to stderr by default
logger.debug("That's it, beautiful and simple logging!")
Standard logging levels and trace and success. When to Use different levels
- trace - used when tracing code
- debug.. eg program level.. args passed in, up. Helpful to more than just developers.
- info. eg business logic eg trying archiver.
- success.. eg youtube archiver succeeded
- warning.. eg twitterarchiver can’t get tweet (and then goes to wayback).
- error eg incorrect connection strings
- critical
Log Warnings and above to separate file
# On Azure something bad happens around 700 MB file size
# new file created at midnight
# old file renamed
logger.add("logs/1trace.log", level="TRACE", rotation="00:00")
# am trialling this to stop messages being lost on a giant run over midnight
logger.add("logs/1trace.log", level="TRACE", rotation="100 MB")
# then debug
# logger.add("logs/2info.log", level="INFO")
# logger.add("logs/3success.log", level="SUCCESS")
# logger.add("logs/4warning.log", level="WARNING")
# logger.add("logs/5error.log", level="ERROR")
# then critical
I have seen it not rotate at midnight when it was stuck in a giant job which went on from 2200 until 0900.
Top level handler
# loguru catchall decorator
def main():