Web scraping public information
In this article I’m going to discuss the technical problems of getting public information from a website ie not from API
My specific use case is I do work with a Human Rights Organisation who document human rights issues. Often there are social media images/video which can be used as future evidence.
Depending on the region eg Ukraine, Myanmar there are more popular networks. I’m more focussed on Myanmar so in order of importance:
- Telegram
- YouTube
Investigators find the social media articles then have to:
- Create a new row in a Google Sheet
- Enter the URL into Link Column in spreadsheet
- Manually download the image or video from the social media site
- Create a new folder in Google Drive with a Case Number
- Copy downloaded media to Google Drive
- Make a hash of the image using this to prove it hasn’t been altered after that date
- Tweet the hash (treating Twitter like Blockchain as it should never disappear)
Then later on there are checks where the hash is duplicated etc
With some automation after manually
- Creating a new row and entering the case number
- Enter URL into a special link columnb
The automation does:
- Script reads url from sheet
- Downloads the image(s) or video(s) from website eg facebook
- Creates a new folder in Google Drive (todo)
- Saves original media to cloud storage in case number folder (todo)
- Enters archive location URL of google cloud file in spreadsheet
- Takes a screenshot of the social media site
- Creates thumbnails of videos
- Puts in duration in seconds of video
Technologies used in the auto-archiver from Bellingcat are:
- Google Drive and Docs API to read/write to the DB
- Python 3.9 app running on a server on a cron job every minute to check for new rows (arhive column is blank)
- https://github.com/JustAnotherArchivist/snscrape 1.1k stars - twitter
- FFmpeg for creating thumbnails and yt-dlp
- Firefox and Geckodriver for screenshots 5.8k stars
- Digital Ocean Spaces - S3 compatible storage
Bellingcat auto-archiver write up
Alternatives to auto-archiver (open source)
TL;DR - I’ve not found automation which does this well.
Lets look in GitHub for the most starred projects for Twitter
https://github.com/twintproject/twint 12.8k stars. More about scraping large amounts on content. eg scrape all Tweets of a User.
Hitomi-Downloader - couldn’t get image unless cookie was there.
Alternatives to auto-archiver (commercial)
As we just want to request a single page from a social media platform, this is not what most commercial scrapers do.
They generally
- Use proxy’s to avoid being banned (we don’t care as very few requests)
- Do screenshots (which we can do with selenium style)
- Send back raw html (which we’d have to parse)
https://apify.com/ who have a Twitter Scraper and a Facebook Pages Scraper which is under maintenance - 626k runs.
- hmm couldn’t get it running.
Commerical Scrapers doing good
https://mnemonic.org/en/about/methods - they may do things manually
Please see previous article on legalities of scraping public information - it is legal