Face-recognition on Azure GPU
https://github.com/osr4rightstools/osr4rights-tools is a project where we spin up an Azure VM with a GPU to do face searching for Human Rights investigators. This source contains the Azure CLI build script, and Cloud init deployment script of the VM.
https://github.com/spatial-intelligence/OSR4Rights source for the Python script that scans faces using the built VM above.
Wiki of how to use face_recognition
Installing on a GPU
We could use docker, and indeed there is a docker compose file in the face_recognition source. However it is quite out of date.
https://sparkle-mdm.medium.com/python-real-time-facial-recognition-identification-with-cuda-enabled-4819844ffc80 digging into the libraries
As you can see from the build script it is quite involved to install, and getting the correct versions of the libraries working is tricky.
- face_recognition Python lib that we use to identify faces in pictures which uses dlib
- dlib C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms
- NVIDIA-cuda-toolkit
Only spinning up when needed / Performance
It is expensive keeping a GPU machine running all the time, so lets only spin one up when needed.
https://github.com/osr4rightstools/osr4rights-tools contains an Azure CLI script to bring up a vm ready to go. However compiling from source takes time - about 12 minutes.
- Create Azure resources (some in parallel with no-wait) - 1:28
- Run bash build script on VM
Creating an Image
see next blog article
bash script
apt or apt-get go with the newer apt?
Impossible to initialize nvidia nvml : Driver/library version mismatch
This happened when I did an apt-get upgrade
GPU doing fine, with 2 instances of the single threaded app working using 2 of the CPU cores.
Test Datasets
https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/wiki/Known-Face-Image-Datasets - 2 in here
- http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/lfw/ lfw (170MB)
- http://afad-dataset.github.io/asian face age dataset
- https://github.com/NVlabs/ffhq-dataset/
Copying files from GPU server to local
# windows to linux
scp 00248.png dave@osrfacesearchgpu605.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:/home/dave/facesearch/job3
# linux to windows
scp dave@osrfacesearchgpu605.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:/home/dave/facesearch/job3/. .
Or use WinSCP