
I wanted a static site generator which

  • Was open source
  • Had lots of support
  • Had a tailwindcss theme
  • Wasn’t Jekyll (as I’ve use it for years and have found it good, but the eco-system make me nervous as I’m not a rubyist.. and I wanted to explore something else)

I’ll probably use Netlify, even though I rate GitHub Pages (GHP) really well. Its annoying to get multiple sites on one GH account, and also GHP is not for commercial projects. I am intersted in commercial project hosting.

So in summary this is the plan:

  • Hugo running on WSL2 on Win 10 for static site generation
  • GitHub for source code
  • Netlify for website hosting
  • DNSimple for a new domain name
  • Netlify or Cloudflare for SSL for new domain name

Install Hugo and create a blog post is the projects homepage.

To install on WSL2 I go to and find the lastest Linux 64bit.deb

# replace with the latest filename

sudo dpkg -i hugo_0.80.0_Linux-64bit.deb

# restart the terminal
# v0.80.0 2020-12-31
hugo version

# following
# this command just builds the diretory structure
# config.toml  - site config
# archetypes/ - default markdown
hugo new site quickstart 
cd quickstart 

git init

# adds themes/ananke
# submodule allows you to keep a git repo as a subdirectory of another git repo
git submodule add themes/ananke

# updating all the submodules
# git submodule update --remote --merge

echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml

# adds into content\posts\
hugo new posts/

# blank website now alive on http://localhost:1313/
hugo server

The content is frontmatter style

title: "My First Post"
date: 2019-03-26T08:47:11+01:00
draft: true

draft: true will not publish so flip to true

Demo site

Regenerate times are super fast.

I like URL links with the date in them so added this to the config file:

  posts = "/:year/:month/:day/:title/"

Themes is a good place to start. is the one I’m going to try as it uses tailwindcss which I’m a fan of. is Bento which I’ve ended up using.

git submodule add themes/Blonde

git submodule add themes/bento

# if first time cloning your repo then need to get the submodules
#git submodule update --init --recursive

cd themes/Blonde
cd themes/bento

# install npm v 14 here
# npm 6.14.11
# if you get errors here try npm install -g npm@latest
# npm - 7.5.3
npm install

sudo npm install -g postcss postcss-cli
sudo npm install -g autoprefixer

# to update the submodule
git submodule update --remote --merge

After doing this I got an error building the site with Blonde so gave up!

Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: render of “home” failed: “/home/dave/beer/hugo-quickstart/themes/Blonde/layouts/_default/list.html:8:32”: execute of template failed: template: _default/list.html:8:32: executing “main” at <.Paginate>: error calling Paginate: ‘pager size’ must be a positive integer

Git Submodule Issues


A strange issue with submodules.

After a new clone of the repo

git clone

git submodule update --init --recursive

cd themes/bento

npm init

# all working now
hugo serve


Not quite sure why. place to start looking perhaps.


I missed this important bit!

Have a look in most of the themes and you’ll see an exampleSite directory which is where you’ll find a demo of how to setup this themes site.

Hosting on Netlify

host on Netlify

New site from Git

New site from Git, then give Netlify permission on your GitHub repo then add a file in your project root called netlify.toml

publish = "public" 
command = "hugo --gc --minify" 

HUGO_VERSION = "0.80.0"
HUGO_ENV = "production"

I changed my site name to in Netlify then updates the config.toml to recognise that name, then it works. Just push to GH and Netlify will pick regenerate and publish.

Images Videos and Posts

Here is my first shot at where to put new posts content/posts

New siteyy from Git

Images are in public\images

And there is a handy YouTube shortcut

[How to sterilise homebrew equipment](

And here is the result


Other Information Great 10 part series on Hugo


Hugo seems to work well and is fast.

What I like is the simple installation of a binary.

I’ve yet to get into styling of the tailwindcss theme, but I’ve got just enough working to show people about home brewing beer!