Azure CLI and Cloud Shell
Click this icon and you’ll get the Cloud Shell where you can use the Azure CLI.
Or you can download the Azure CLI.
Getting Started with the CLI
I like to work on my local machine with AzureCLI installed locally. Ocassionally I’ll use bash on WSL or Docker.
az login
-- Type code into
az account set --subscription "Visual Studio Enterprise"
Deploying a Linux VM
az group create --name k8sy --location "West Europe"
az vm create -g k8sy -n node1 --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username dave --admin-password thisisasecretAA11! --size Standard_B1MS
Here are the docs which give all the arguments
3 Linux VMs in same vnet
az group create --name k8sy --location "West Europe"
az vm create --no-wait -g k8sy -n node1 --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username dave --admin-password thisisasecretAA11! --size Standard_B1MS
az vm create --no-wait -g k8sy -n node2 --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username dave --admin-password thisisasecretAA11! --size Standard_B1MS
az vm create --no-wait -g k8sy -n node3 --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username dave --admin-password thisisasecretAA11! --size Standard_B1MS
It takes the initial vnet (node1VNET) and uses that when creating node2 and node3 –no-wait means the command wont wait until the task finishes, so we can sping up the vm’s in parallel
What this means is I can spin up a brand new environment very quickly!
az group delete -n k8sy
Very easy to delete the entire resource group too.
If you specify nothing in the args for UbuntuLTS you’ll get the top one
- Standard_DS2_v2 (£75.41) 7GB
- Standard_B1S (£6.99) 1GB
- Standard_B1MS (£13.47) 2GB
These are the different entities that are needed
- Resource Group
- vnet
- network public-ip
- nsg
- nsg rules
- virtual nic
- vm
Some useful bits of information are below
Stopping all vm’s in a group
-- use bash
az vm deallocate --ids $(az vm list -g k8sy --query "[].id" -o tsv)
-- if you just stop the vm, will still be charged
az vm stop --ids $(az vm list -g k8sy --query "[].id" -o tsv)
It can take a while to deallocate
Using the CLI from Docker
docker run -it -v=%cd%:/root microsoft/azure-cli
az login
-- to get the subscriptionid
az account show --out json
It can be annoying with windows/linux line endings.
-- Open file on Windows inside vim or vscode
set ff=unix
Using the CLI from WSL
Deploying a Webapp (Windows Server running Docker)
az account set --subscription "Visual Studio Enterprise"
az group create --name DaveWordPressQ --location "West Europe"
az appservice plan create --name myAppServicePlan --resource-group DaveWordPressQ --sku S1 --is-linux
az webapp create --resource-group DaveWordPressQ --plan myAppServicePlan --name DaveWordPressQ --deployment-container-image-name davemateer/wordpresswithziparchive:php7.2
This is creating a resource group and an Azure Web App for Containers instance with a custom Docker image.
-- Delete everything in the resource group
az group delete -n DaveWordPressQ