
Click this icon and you’ll get the Cloud Shell where you can use the Azure CLI.

Or you can download the Azure CLI.

Getting Started with the CLI

I like to work on my local machine with AzureCLI installed locally. Ocassionally I’ll use bash on WSL or Docker.

az login
-- Type code into

az account set --subscription "Visual Studio Enterprise"

Deploying a Linux VM

az group create --name k8sy --location "West Europe"
az vm create -g k8sy -n node1 --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username dave --admin-password thisisasecretAA11! --size Standard_B1MS 

Here are the docs which give all the arguments

3 Linux VMs in same vnet

az group create --name k8sy --location "West Europe"
az vm create --no-wait -g k8sy -n node1 --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username dave --admin-password thisisasecretAA11! --size Standard_B1MS
az vm create --no-wait -g k8sy -n node2 --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username dave --admin-password thisisasecretAA11! --size Standard_B1MS
az vm create --no-wait -g k8sy -n node3 --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username dave --admin-password thisisasecretAA11! --size Standard_B1MS


It takes the initial vnet (node1VNET) and uses that when creating node2 and node3 –no-wait means the command wont wait until the task finishes, so we can sping up the vm’s in parallel

What this means is I can spin up a brand new environment very quickly!


az group delete -n k8sy

Very easy to delete the entire resource group too.


If you specify nothing in the args for UbuntuLTS you’ll get the top one

  • Standard_DS2_v2 (£75.41) 7GB
  • Standard_B1S (£6.99) 1GB
  • Standard_B1MS (£13.47) 2GB


These are the different entities that are needed

  • Resource Group
    • vnet
    • network public-ip
    • nsg
      • nsg rules
    • virtual nic
    • vm


Some useful bits of information are below

Stopping all vm’s in a group

-- use bash
az vm deallocate --ids $(az vm list -g k8sy --query "[].id" -o tsv)
-- if you just stop the vm, will still be charged
az vm stop --ids $(az vm list -g k8sy --query "[].id" -o tsv)

It can take a while to deallocate



Using the CLI from Docker

Run in Docker

docker run -it -v=%cd%:/root microsoft/azure-cli
az login

-- to get the subscriptionid
az account show --out json

It can be annoying with windows/linux line endings.

-- Open file on Windows inside vim or vscode
set ff=unix

Using the CLI from WSL


Deploying a Webapp (Windows Server running Docker)

az account set --subscription "Visual Studio Enterprise"
az group create --name DaveWordPressQ --location "West Europe"
az appservice plan create --name myAppServicePlan --resource-group DaveWordPressQ --sku S1 --is-linux
az webapp create --resource-group DaveWordPressQ --plan myAppServicePlan --name DaveWordPressQ  --deployment-container-image-name davemateer/wordpresswithziparchive:php7.2

This is creating a resource group and an Azure Web App for Containers instance with a custom Docker image.

-- Delete everything in the resource group
az group delete -n DaveWordPressQ